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Dread going to new places or meeting new people?  Can't stop thinking about worst case scenarios?  Maybe you're even avoiding social gatherings altogether or it's heavily impacting your professional life.


In times of extreme anxiety, it can feel like we're going to die.  Our heart rate escalates, we sweat uncontrollably, our breathing speeds up.  Even minor anxiety can have negative effects on our lives when it just won't go away. You're not the only one who feels like this and it doesn't have to be like this forever.


Talk therapy can provide a safe and secure environment where you can talk through the scenarios that give you the most anxiety so that we can build coping skills and start reframing your thoughts. Maintaining these habits will help you see lasting change in your everyday life, finding relief from anxiety and stress. By practicing thinking in new ways, we literally forge new pathways in the brain! (Pretty cool, right?!)


Sometimes, anxiety can best be treated by a combination of talk therapy and medication.  If this is the case, we will discuss all your options before making a recommendation.

Feeling sad, tired, unmotivated?  Struggling to get out of bed in the morning or accomplish your daily tasks?  Maybe you're even feeling sad about feeling sad, leading to a vicious cycle.

Depression isn't always suicidal ideation or self-harm.  Although it can lead us to those extremes, it can also creep up on us as a pervasive and unending lack of interest in daily life or hobbies and activities that used to interest you.  It may feel like 'being blue' for weeks or months on end. Your friends and family may be asking you more often if everything is okay and you answer that everything is OK, all the while crying on the inside behind a fake smile.


Although it can sometimes be traced back to one event, such as injury, loss of a loved one, or perceived failure in a class or work project, sometimes it isn't quite that simple. At its core, depression may be an imbalance of chemicals in the brain, or an imbalance of perception/expectations with reality (or both!).


By working through your feelings and your reactions to daily events, we can identify ways to improve your mood. If we decide that medication in necessary, I will help you investigate your options so you receive the best possible treatment.

Image by Anant Jain
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